Translations:SoftControl logs/5/en

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Title File name Path Brief description Default log rotation Log rotation management
SysWatch temporary log sw_main_logfile.txt  %system32% Contains messages received from the driver. The size limit if the log is set in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\S.N.Safe&Software\Safe'n'Sec Pro, EventLogSize value (in MB). By default, the value is set to 0. To enable logging, change the value as desired (e.g., 100) and restart the service. Once the size limit is reached, the file is renamed to sw_backup_logfile.txt and a new log is created -
DLP Client temporary log dlp_main_logfile.txt  %system32% Contains messages received from the driver. The size limit if the log is set in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\S.N.Safe&Software\Safe'n'Sec Pro, EventLogSize value (in MB). By default, the value is set to 0. To enable logging, change the value as desired (e.g., 100) and restart the service. Once the size limit is reached, the file is renamed to dlp_backup_logfile.txt and a new log is created -
Driver log snscore.log  %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\ Driver-level logging. To enable, create a DWORD value named LogLevel in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/SnsCore and assign a hexadecimal string (FFFFFFFF for full logging). Then reboot the computer. This type of logging is not recommended. - -